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Welcome to my boring blog!! This is created to pen down my feelings and rubbish comments!!

The Princess
Add your profile here.
Girl 19 years. Love cats and small animals that doesn't bite Love to watch movies and sleep


Of Yesterday
April 2007
May 2007

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Designer: manikka
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
I went back to Meritus especially just to take my plastic bag that contain all my shoe, lotion, books and all the crap stuff. i guessed i was so excited to see all my colleagues.. ya rite.. only some in fact. LOL. Plus i was in such a rush. I reached there at 2 pm. By the time i settled my stuff it was already 2.30pm.

Then i realised that my lecture start at 3pm. which is totally not funny cos my bloody school isn't in TOWN but in Yio Chu Kang. Crap. it was so damn freaking hectic rushing ard saying hi and bye to everyone.. make some totally inessential small talk with the unnecessary pp. Due to the hastiness, i went back to school empty-handed without the plastic bag.. argh..

Nevertheless, i gt a free BO LUO BAO from my colleague and took really nice neoprints! its has been ages since i took neoprint, it was only during my attachment that we decided to be some kiddo humans in town. hahahaa.. but it was fun.. i feel myself turning into a kid in front of the camera and not some 19 yr old freak.

Oh ya.. i need to complain!!! Before i launch into my vulgarities sprouting blog, i gt to take a deep breath. DAMN IT. I swear i will nv stepped into the ******* neoprint shop in Cineleisure again in my entire life. Those B****** there are so freaking rude, where's the customer service that the government is trying so hard to instill in Singaporeans?!!

Are those idiots the ones that spoil the reputation?? Yes!!

Its must be them that are influencing the public! I went there to take neoprints for like 5 times during attachment. I gt no choice but to go there as its the nearest to my hotel. TRUST ME. I rather go to Hereen!! each time they have this bloody attitude that really piss me off.

Fault 1: when they changed the notes into coins, they slammed it on the counter as if we own them a living.!! HELLO??!!! we are doing u a favour by patronising ur bloody shop. DAMN.

Fault 2: They are totally not helpful. Whats the whole point when u paste a notice that states : Please seek help should you need assistance. When you just mumbled to yourself and walked away??! Insane and lunatic shits.

Fault 3: when they tried to walk past you, they practically shout 'CUSE' and sulkily walked away. They can't differentiate as to when to talk loudly and when not to. Where's their brains? On their ass? TOO BAD THAT THEY EVEN HAVE AN ASS. oh boy, i feel mean but i can't help being honest.

Don't they know how to run a business?? Customer service retain loyalty yea? they are practically ruining their business. Not that i mind if it closed down. I'll be more than happy. They give me an impression that they are only rude to us the girls. I'll bet they will smile and kiss the shoes of a guy if he approached them. They walked like the whole world is way below their feet. Come on, they should look into the mirror. really. Not that i am some gorgeous babe or wat. But i just cant stand their stupid faces.

You know what i realli like to do to them??

* Shave them bald and make them take alot of neoprints and put it as publicity at the entrance.

* Put roaches in the shop and let them go crazy. Great idea? No no no no.. they probably kill my beloved roaches with their hideous faces. I can't sacrifice living things in return of frightening the monsters of the shop.

* Kick and bang the machines and pretending tat you dun understand english in the notice that they put up.

* bug them as in how all the machines operated and make them explain all the functions that each machine has. Pretending that you need to take the best photograph to post in friendster. Hopefully it can take 1 hr of their time. SO that they can't sit down and gossip with the others. ASK them alot of questions and then shout at them saying their machines are lousy and walked out.

* Pretend to be a foreigner and talk to them in your OWN CREATED language. LoVE To see them looking helpless and totally baffled. Then tell them in CHINESE that their service sucks and threatened that you gonna report them to the STB.

Ok. i wish i had done all of that. ARGH!! These pp are really the spoilers of the day. They should go for a lesson on how to behave like a human and behaved appropriately. If they managed to pass this lesson, they can go for a next lesson on customer service.

Anyway, i shan't talk abt them animore, waste my typing time and energy. i have my fun in complaining. there's still tuition in the morning. So dead. NIGHT!

Friday, May 4, 2007
If i could i invent something, i would invent a spray that kills mosquitoes INSTANTLY. Then i'll collect its dead body and put in a bottle. After collecting like a dozen of it, i would paste all their bodies on a cardboard and place on the window. It shall served as a warning to it's relatives and friends.

Sadistic? Cruel? Evil? Disgusting? Nope!

at least i am warning them.. they always suck my precious blood, damn it. do you noe how much iron and magnesium i need to replenish?!

As part of the government campaign, it states that IF THEY BREED, YOU WILL BLEED. So i am just doing my part as a citizen of Singapore.

Something like tat. LOL

Apparently i do not like to bleed plus i do not like the idea of having intruders in my house that includes ants though they are brainless but strong creatures.

i just got bitten by 1 or 2 or 3 mosquitoes! if i ever lay my hands on it, i'll swear that they will be the first to be on my exhibition!!

tomorrow i still gt to go back to meritus to hand in some stupid clearance form. What a waste of time, the only thing tat keep me going is tat i'll get to see some of nice colleagues which is like only 1 or 2. LOL

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
How nice to eat chips and listen to music right in my office! hahaha!!

I guess after realizing that my attachment ends this friday, my atrocious heck-care attitude is back. Which is very bad sign, cos for all i know my nice cute little C may become D instead. Woots! Plus with the adorable fact that i came to office everyday with a C attitude and do all my work with a D attitude. Hahahaa

damn, i realised that even if i were to get ALL As for the next few semesters, my pathetic GPA would at most increase to 3.3 which is way too rubbish. Not forgetting the fact that given my stupidity, i would never get all As. LOL. that realli sets mi into thinking what is my future like with no degree and juz a crap diploma that probably led mi to nowhere. Argh!!

I dun want to grow up!!!! Can i juz continue be a brat or a tuition teacher that bully students??

My boss and supervisors went to have a soccer match.. wow.. how fun! They conveniently forgot that there's another human being in the office. Fine! i shall sleep for now cos it will be ages before they return. Yea!!

The Bloody Intern at Meritus

Sunday, April 22, 2007
Am i becoming a pig or wat?! i juz can't stop eating!! nvm, i can always go plastic surgery!! juz return home from watching a movie, 200 Pounds Beauty. It's such a nice movie!! after watching it, i felt even more compelled to go for plastic surgery, maybe restructure my whole face and body? den you wun be hearing mi whining anymore..

I think i walked the whole of town todae, from somerset to orchard den back to heeren for a bowl of wanton noodles and den back to shaw tower for a movie. Joke, I tink i lost like 10kg from all the walking. Not that i mind, since it probably make me lose like 10 calories? ha. Its been a long time since i went out to town at night. Not counting the fact that i went to work in meritus.

Saw a couple of friends like Poh Eng, she was wearing this black specs that was beyond recognition. When she called out to me, i was like who the hell was that?? Upon closer look then did i realise it was her. I thought she has perfect eyesight?? Probably the glasses has no degrees.
Back to the movie, the theme song is so nice!! i am forcing Chongli to send it to me. HAHA! so i was thinking, if worst come to worst, i would consider going plastic surgery. i mean we live life only once, wouldn't you want to live it the way you want? I want to be in control of how i look and everything! who says some things are beyond our control? Its only whether you haf the courage and the $$ to do. The rich and wealthy can have everything they want!!

Cos money makes the world go round!

Natural beauty??

This phrase is totally a lie la!! whats cosmetics and clothes accessories for then??

Saturday, April 21, 2007
argh!! whats the point of learning all the rubbish internet and html lessons in school when i can't even apply the knowledge! Not that its the school the school fault or what. Its juz due to Plain Stupidness. haha! i forget what's HTML and the editing of source and those rubbish.

I tink i will probably bug all my friends to help me edit it into a nice little blog. geez Aniway many thanks to the person who helped me create this blog. LOL. Poor guy, i pestered him like hell for this. hahaha!

Since this is my first entry, i shan't go into complaining all about my life. hmmm.. ok, maybe a little on my attachment. muhaha

Mertius Mandarin.. A sophiscated and classy hotel.. ONLY ON THE SURFACE! People will never get to see the ugly sights of pathetic staff and interns (thats mi!) scampering about in the dark and hollow basement. My first day of work was greeted with bangalas strolling past me when i am searching for the human resource room in the basement. The management and organisation is so freaking terrible, you'll people resigning every few weeks. Plus i don't see ani benefites!! ok, maybe the free lunch everyday. But still i dun like the place. People there aren't nice, wearing masks to cover up their evil faces.

Luckily i made realli 2 good friends there where we wrecked havoc!! *GRINS

Our daily 1 hr lunch break became 3 hr shopping spree in far east, when being questioned, we'll juz shrugged it off with an excuse that the human resource or finance or some other departments looking for us. Which is like totally LAME and DUMB. I tink i became so good at lying that i forgot how to speak the truth for everything.. Hahaha!

Everyday, i got to struggle and wake up, convince myself that todae will be a nice day. Which is such a TOTAL LIE. After munching on a piece of substance called bread, i made my way to mrt station. This is the part that i got to be realli AWAKE so that i get the best seat in the train. You can see tons of retarded people excludes me waiting patiently for the empty train to come. YOU got to jostle and shove to secure a place in the train , if u are lucky u can get to lean against the glass panel which is my favourite seat!! cos i can den sleep all the way to Somerset!! Oh ya, i was saying.. All well-mannered and professionally dressed people can turn into typical Aunties within seconds. hence in order to PROTECT myself from this terrible people, i got to be part of them in order not to lose out. HAHAA.

I am so pampered that everyday i must get to sit in the train or i'll glare at all the commuters in the train till i alight at somerset.

Upon alighting at Somerset, i got to walk a damn freaking long distance say about 10km?? Thanks to the construction taking place, y muz they start the construction during my IPP?! arghhh.. then i'll dragged my lifeless body to the hotel. AND to enter onli through the side entrance which is meant for the bangalas. THANKS MAN. When i'm running late and need to scan my card, these idiots will block my way. Then by the time the security guard scan my card, the screen reads 08:31:05. SHIT!!!

and den i will stone at my desk till at the end of the day and packed all my stuff so that i can leave once the clock strikes 5.30pm. hhaa!

In the office you got to plaster a realli nice smile on your face and greet Good Morning!

Each time i'll asked myself, whats so damn freaking good abt morning???!!!

This blog probably have a audience of like.. 2 people? Mi and Me.

Muahah.. I tink blogging is fun. you juz type lots and lots of rubbish and no one will correct your english!! Yea!! i hate my english and everything in my life. Okie.. Maybe if i strike lottery den thats a totally different thing. HAHAHA

Good Night! i'm asleep. ZZZZ